Specific Standard Disclosures
Public Value |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
Disclosures on management approach |
M4 |
Dissemination of information |
M7 |
Media literacy |
Governance and Compliance |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
Disclosures on management approach |
G4-SO3 |
Corruption risks |
G4-SO4 |
Anti-corruption |
G4-SO5 |
Incidents of corruption |
G4-SO6 |
Political contributions |
G4-SO7 |
Anti-competitive behavior and violations of anti-trust and monopoly legislation |
G4-PR2 |
Health and safety impacts of products and services |
G4-PR4 |
Product and service information and labeling |
G4-PR7 |
Non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications |
G4-PR8 |
Breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data |
G4-PR9 |
Provision and use of products and services |
Digitalization and innovation |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
Disclosures on management approach |
Climate and environmental protection |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
Disclosures on management approach |
G4-EC2 |
Financial implications due to climate change |
G4-EN3 |
Energy consumption within company |
G4-EN4 |
Energy consumption outside company |
G4-EN15 |
Direct CO2 emissions (scope 1) |
G4-EN16 |
Energy indirect CO2 emissions (scope 2) |
G4-EN17 |
Other indirect CO2 emissions (scope 3) |
G4-EN23 |
Disposal |
Employees and diversity |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
Disclosures on management approach |
G4-LA1 |
New employees hires and employee turnover |
G4-LA2 |
Benefits |
Work-Life Package |
G4-LA3 |
Return to work and retention rates |
G4-LA4 |
Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
G4-LA5 |
Formal joint management-worker health and safety committees |
Occupational Health and Safety |
G4-LA6 |
Rates of injury |
G4-LA7 |
Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases |
G4-LA8 |
Health and safety topics |
G4-LA9 |
Training and education |
G4-LA10 |
Programs for skills management and lifelong learning |
G4-LA11 |
Performance and career development reviews |
G4-LA12 |
Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees per employee category |
G4-LA13 |
Renumeration of women and men |
Other aspects |
DMA and Indicator |
Content |
Assurance |
Boundaries |
Link |
G4-EC1 |
Directly generated and distributed economic value |
M6 |
Audience interaction |