Energy Consumption
The efficient consumption of energy saves the Company costs and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, we rely on an environmentally friendly energy supply with a beneficial eco-balance. ProSiebenSat.1’s energy consumption involves mostly the purchase of electricity and heat. The Company converted its power supply at the Unterföhring location to entirely renewable energy in 2012 and covers nearly 100 % of its electricity requirement with hydropower. Among other things, we converted all the lighting in the central campus’ underground parking garages to LED in 2016. The total consumption of electricity at Group headquarters in Unterföhring was around 16 GWh both in the reporting period and in previous years. Geothermal heat supply is also part of ProSiebenSat.1’s supply concept, which is designed to be safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. Since 2012, the Group has used geothermal heat for several properties at the Unterföhring site. From 2017 on, we also use the waste heat from our computer centers to heat the office buildings. In total, ProSiebenSat.1’s energy consumption for heating and cooling in Unterföhring amounted to around 13 GWh in 2016. The main sources of energy were district heating, geothermal energy, and natural gas.
The total energy use (including electricity consumption) within the Company in the reporting period was 44 GWh (159 GJ) for the entire Group. ProSiebenSat.1 largely uses environmentally friendly district heating instead of fuel oil or natural gas to generate heat. No energy is sold to third parties. The fuel consumption of company cars in Germany in 2016 amounted to around 212 thousand liters of gasoline and 453 thousand liters of diesel. This resulted in a figure of 7 GWh (25 GJ) for our entire fuel consumption. We present the energy consumed outside the Company indirectly via the Scope 3 emissions in the carbon footprint. [G4-EN3, G4-EN4]