Work-Life Package
It seems natural to us to help our employees balance career and private life. Our company agreements therefore aim at a good work-life balance. This includes flextime models, teleworking jobs, part-time work and sabbatical models. At the same time, our workforce enjoys numerous social and fringe benefits. For example, we cooperate with an external partner that provides childcare and support in caring for family members. At the Unterföhring headquarters, we have run our own daycare center for over ten years. We offer such services to all employees regardless of whether they work full or part time; this applies equally to employees on temporary contracts. [G4-LA2]
In Germany, every employee also has the right to parental leave. According to the most recent survey by the Federal Office of Statistics, the ratio of parents on parental leave among all employed parents (youngest child less than three years old) in 2015 was around 21 %; the ratio was around 42 % among women, around 3 % among men. In 2016, 173 women (previous year: 151 women) and 82 men (previous year: 74 men) at ProSiebenSat.1 were on parental leave; this equates to share of 9.9 % and 4.4 % respectively of employees in Germany, our main revenue market. The average duration of the parental leave was 17.9 months for women (previous year: 17.8 months) and 3.1 months for men (previous year: 3.1 months). On their return to work, we support our employees with flexible re-entry models, which are likewise very well received: Twelve months after the end of parental leave, 87.9 % (previous year: 93.9 %) of employees who took parental leave were back in work. This figure was 83.9 % for women (previous year: 94.6 %) and 90.8 % for men (previous year: 93.6 %). At the same time, the ratio of part-time employees at ProSiebenSat.1 in Germany increased to 17.4 % in 2016 (previous year: 16.8 %). [G4-LA2, G4-LA3]
With varied offerings, we create conditions that make it easier to harmonize private and professional interests. We are continuously developing our working time models in order to respond to our employees’ needs. Under a new company agreement, a new time-recording model was introduced at the start of 2015 that also reflects mobile working from home or while traveling. The issues of health and sport are also focal points. With an in-house restaurant, gym and company doctor at the headquarters in Unterföhring, we cover a wide range of work-life standards for modern employers. [G4-LA2]